There are currently two healthcare providers, 1 General Practioner and 1 Dentist at Glenwood Medical and Dental Centre.
We do understand that sometimes it is not possible to make an appointment and that accidents and emergencies happen and we would like you in these circumstances to come
straight through to the rooms where our doctors and nursing staff will triage you and assist with emergency care. In all other cases where possible, please try and make an appointment
when seeing us. This allows the doctor to spend sufficient time with you, giving you full attention and a detailed examination without the need to rush.
When seeing a doctor for the first time there will be some paperwork to complete. If you are able to arrive a few minutes before your booked time, this will assist our staff immensely.
If you would like to download and print out this form to enable you to complete it before you come in, you are welcome to do so. The form can be accessed here
For those cash-paying patients who are not on medical aid, we would ask for all accounts to be settled at the time of the visit. Please request an invoice or statement so that you can
use this to claim back your medical expenses from tax.
A consultation including medication costs R580 and R420 for pensioners. Consultation only is R200.
No, this is not possible. It is a medico-legal requirement for us to see and examine all patients before issuing a medical certificate and this cannot be done if a patient is not seen.
Scripts for medication and antibiotics will only be issued if a patient has been seen. We believe it is unprofessional to issue medication without seeing a patient and a medico-legal
issue we are not prepared to expose ourselves to.
All follow up visits will be billed for in the same way as a standard consultation as described in the appropriate gazette for tariffs. The only exception to this is where a procedure
like a stitching of a wound, an excision and repair of a skin lesion or limb cast has been done. In these cases, the follow-up visits are included in the original procedure price.